{% for sCaseLogAttCode, aCaseLogData in oUIBlock.GetCaseLogTabs() %} {% set sExtraCSSClass = (loop.index == 1) ? 'ibo-is-active' : '' %} {% endfor %} {% set sExtraCSSClass = (oUIBlock.GetCaseLogTabs() is empty) ? 'ibo-is-active' : '' %}
{% for sCaseLogAttCode, aCaseLogData in oUIBlock.GetCaseLogTabs() %} {{ include('base/layouts/activity-panel/tab-toolbar/caselog.html.twig', {oUIBlock: oUIBlock, iRank: loop.index, bIsActive: (loop.index == 1), sAttCode: sCaseLogAttCode, aData: aCaseLogData, aFilteredCaseLogsAttCodes: [sCaseLogAttCode]}) }} {% endfor %} {{ include('base/layouts/activity-panel/tab-toolbar/activity.html.twig', {oUIBlock: oUIBlock, bIsActive: (oUIBlock.GetCaseLogTabs()|length == 0), bPrefilterStateChanges: true, bPrefilterEdits: true}) }}
{{ 'UI:Layout:ActivityPanel:MultipleEntriesSaveConfirmation:Explanation'|dict_s }}
{% if oUIBlock.IsComposeButtonEnabled() %} {% if oUIBlock.HasComposeMenu() %} {{ render_block(oUIBlock.GetComposeMenu()) }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if oUIBlock.GetGroupedEntries()|length > 0 %} {% for aEntryGroup in oUIBlock.GetGroupedEntries() %} {{ include('base/layouts/activity-panel/entry-group.html.twig', {aEntryGroup: aEntryGroup}) }} {% endfor %} {% if oUIBlock.HasMoreEntriesToLoad() %}
{# Note: The "more entries" button is hidden by default to avoid a visual glitch. #} {# Otherwise when the page is loaded, the button is displayed even if the current tab only show log entries (which are all loaded) #}
{% endif %} {% else %}
{{ source("illustrations/undraw_reading_time.svg") }}
{{ 'UI:Layout:ActivityPanel:NoEntry:Placeholder:Hint'|dict_s }}
{% endif %}
{{ 'UI:Layout:ActivityPanel:ClosedCover:Title'|dict_s }}