{% block iboActivityEntryMedallion %} {% if oUIBlock.GetAuthorPictureAbsUrl() is not empty %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% block iboActivityEntryInformation %}
{% block iboActivityEntryMainInformationIcon %} {% if oUIBlock.GetDecorationClasses() is not empty %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% block iboActivityEntryMainInformationContent %} {# Content is printed as raw because it is stored as HTML in the database and should have been sanitized before storage, so we can assume it is safe #} {{ oUIBlock.GetContent()|render_wiki_to_html|raw }} {% endblock %}
{% apply spaceless %} {% block iboActivityEntrySubInformation %} {% if oUIBlock.GetOrigin() is not null and oUIBlock.GetOrigin != constant('Combodo\\iTop\\Core\\CMDBChange\\CMDBChangeOrigin::INTERACTIVE') %} {% endif %} {% if get_config_parameter('activity_panel.show_author_name_below_entries') %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endapply %}
{% endblock %}